PowerPost-A&A webpage.

New: v11b with NZB files support and SOURCE CODE! French translation now available! (Thanks Taki ;))
PowerPost-A&A is a custom version of Power Post 2000 with many improvements made by Assert & Alain.
Thanks to Chris Morse for working on the original Power Post and for releasing the source code :-)
This is released as FREEWARE.

Lastest version is 11B (03/21/2004).


- Corrected NZB XML encoding issues (sorry for that...)

- Changed licence to GPL (thanks to Chris Morse)
- Added NZB file support (see www.newzbin.com)
- Corrected PAR2 creation crash with first volume number too high
- Decreased the minimum max-lines number to 500

- Corrected MD5 Hash errors on some PAR2 files (par2 informations appears as unknown in QuickPar)
- Increased the possible length of server name
- Added an option to use only last directory name in subject ($D versus full path $P)
- Added basic skin support
To add more skin, copy one of the subdirectories and rename it. Then edit the bmp files. The skin.txt file must be present and contains the RGB background color and RGB text color of the posting queue.

Please see the README for more information.


You can download it here : YencPowerPostA&A11b.zip (146 KB)
French Translation of version 11B (version Francaise) by Taki: YencPowerPostA&A11b_FR.rar (126 KB)

Source Code:

Source code in now available under GNU GPL: YencPowerPostA&A11b_sources.zip (296 KB)
Thanks to the original author for letting me release it.
Please keep me posted if you use it ;-).


You can contact me by email: assert at powerpost dot cjb dot net.

(C) Copyright 2003-2004 Assert